WordPress Learning Curve

September 17, 2006 at 12:09 pm (Work)

A few things prompted my move to WordPress. I have struggled with my blog since I got it. I never felt like I could easily add pictures, or links (without writing html). I found I really wished I could make categories, but couldn’t. I tried using Journler, which I love for keeping my memories organized, but the inability to make titled entries made that less than ideal for blogging. A few weeks ago, I decided that my personal blogging is best kept separate from my archiving and family history blogging. And that has been tricky for me getting started. Then, only last week I discovered that my Safari browswer was preventing me from seeing several buttons that would make it easy to add links, format, add pictures, etc. I switched to Firefox and then within a day switched to Camino, which Trip tells me is very stable, and seems to be working well.

I had read about WordPress a few times in the last few weeks and finally decided to give it a go. I will not judge it based on the last two days of wrangling the blogs around. It’s not even worth repeating here all the frustration with trying to manage both blogs in one place, dealing with their management when I was trying to host them on my own space, trying to locate all the themes I was looking at yesterday in WordPress, and now having to re-do the work I did in customizing one of them. I now have both blogs here, and I’m trying to make them work. This week was a big work week for me and I didn’t even have my regular Wednesday with Frank. I babysat a little boy Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday, worked for Gee Gee doing computer consulting, did some work for Frank via phone, hemmed several pairs of curtains, babysat two little girls yesterday for a grand total of $285. And the house has not fallen apart, in fact it looks great! I have to get back to trying to figure out these blogs. So I’ll hopefully post again soon.

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