
September 20, 2006 at 1:50 pm (Personal)

I know that’s bad.  I just don’t know what else to do, since I clearly can’t seem to manage losing weight the old fashioned way.  Monday, I noticed my legs were looking rather enormous, and I got on the scale to see I weighed a whopping 154 pounds.  About 24 pounds too many.  And that day I went out and bought some “natural” Dexatrim, (I last took the regular kind about 15 years ago – and it worked, by the way), and some “Weight control” tea.  Monday night I logged 20,000 steps on the pedometer, including about a 4 mile walk/jog along the boardwalk.  Dropped 2 pounds.  Yesterday it rained, and I only had a paltry 4,000 steps, but I did my Margaret DVD including abs, pecs, triceps, inner & outer thighs. Dropped another 2 pounds. Today I briskly walked the kids to school, was almost home and saw I still had Alex’s backpack under the stroller, and walked to school and back again!  It’s 9:30 and I’m already at 4,000 steps.  I haven’t eaten a good breakfast yet (just a small bowl of carrots), but I have been eating well, and recording all my food intake.  I gave up all alcohol, too.  I only have been taking one Dexatrim in the morning and one cup of tea (instead of 3 each throughout the day).  It still makes me feel like not eating, and without going into too  much detail, there’s been some minor intestinal discomfort, but I’ll trade that for the fat anyday!  I’d like to drop maybe 15 pounds with this, and then try doing it the normal way.  I think it’s just too overwhelming and the supposedly healthy 1 or 2 pounds a week is not happening for me.  I’m sure it’s because I eat emotionally, drank too many caloric beverages, and usually don’t exercise enough.  All the common sense in the world can’t help me get past those numbers on the scale and I just give up before I make any progress.  I took a big fat “before picture” in the spring – and swore I’d get in shape before beach season.  Beach time has come and gone, and I’m just the same.  Winter is hardest, because I hate being out in the cold, but right now it’s okay – and I’ve made arrangements to get together with a jogging buddy, with a call the night before if I’m getting to bed at a decent hour, so I can get up early while Trip is still home with the kids.  I don’t know what else to say about all of it.  And maybe it’s water weight I’m losing – I don’t really care.  It’s easier for me to keep up and do the right thing if I feel like I’m almost there, and at least now I feel like I’m on my way.

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