Stressed about $

July 21, 2006 at 8:46 am (Family, Personal)

I would so love to not have to worry about money constantly. And I am SO looking forward to our house guest “checking out” this weekend. Of course, someone who is checking out has usually paid to stay, and that is NOT the case here. This despite the fact that I very clearly asked Trip and was assured that they had spoken about it. The balls on someone to stay and entire month, taking showers, doing lots of laundry (running the dryer with one shirt when he wants to press it!), having his kids over (and all showering – using up about 40 towels in the process) and never offering a dime! My sister is supposed to come this weekend – and I am having a yard sale – and I have had to stage the piles of stuff in the dining room, instead of the primo corner of the living room because of that freakin exercise machine of his. Good Grief! I will move on…

Something nice happened the other day. I was reading My Confederate Kinfolk by Thulani Davis and I was completely moved by her words. I was agitated and emotional – it’s hard to describe exactly what was going on with me – except that I felt she had expressed some deeply held feelings for me. So I thought I had to talk with her. (crazy?) I Googled her in NY, and boom – a phone number. I called and she answered. And the stammering began. I wasn’t exactly stammering, but I WAS extremely nervous and honestly didn’t know how to begin. But I was polite, apologetic for disturbing her at home, and had the forethought to ask if it was a good time for her to talk or if she would prefer I contact her by email. She was on the other line, and had to walk the dog, and said I could email her. I wrote her a nice, and rather coherent note – explaining my feelings and how I was enjoying her book. She wrote back a wonderful note – it was her birthday and she said my note was “a lovely present”. She checked out my website and admired my work in many areas. She looked me up on a map and noted that she had been to Long Branch. I would love to meet her some day, and talk some more. She is the kind of person I could see being a friend to.

The day started so nicely, and then I got The Good News. Trip called to say his raise had gone through (with the Retro Pay of about $500.) so could we go out to dinner? Sure! I picked him up at the train station, we went out to Ichiban where I had my favorite – Una Ju – broiled eel over rice with oshinko pickles, miso soup and a double salad order – PLUS a Blue Hawaiian! Then we went grocery shopping on the way home – I had been waiting till he got paid because things were so dire. Then we got home and THE BAD NEWS. He DID NOT get the raise yet. He mistakenly looked at Retro Pay Year to Date (that showed his last late payment of a raise). So now (after paying all the bills I had stacked up) we have to live on $55 till August 2. WTF!

Yesterday I shifted into high gear preparing for the yard sale. I purged the basement, the bathroom cabinets, and my dresser. Then M___ came over and helped me with the boys closet, my closet, and the attic. It would be nice if Trip would actually do some in his office – or at least tidy it up – I asked him. But he said he already did get rid of everything. JUST TRY LOOKING!!!! If I can do the whole freaking rest of the house – can’t he do his damn office!!!??! Then we got our tax bill. The property taxes are going up by what averages to $120 a month starting August 1. I can’t get a break!!!

So now it’s Friday. I’m hoping the kids will cooperate so I can take the to the nice park and the Spray Ground, but it’s not starting out well. Alex is whining because his shorts keep falling down and won’t change them. I gotta go move the day along. Adios!

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