Why am I awake? 3:07am

July 9, 2006 at 3:11 am (Family, Personal)

I actually didn’t realize how late it was, but I’m going to pay for this tomorrow! Today was so busy – productive, but it seems like two days packed into one. Here’s the brief list of today:

1. Went to the Community Garden and picked Raspberries! And lettuce, beans and cut a nice bouquet of flowers. (plus some pretty nasturtium flowers and leaves which I intended for a salad, but just ate out of the bowl!)
2. Came home and met my mom & stepfather and we got ourselves together and spent about 3 hours at the beach, where I got to visit with my cousin in law and another friend I haven’t seen in ages. The kids were great and had a ball.
3. Cleaned & prepped my food
4. Kind of planned this upcoming week’s menu
5. Did a major grocery shopping trip.
6. Exchanged several emails with the guy for whom I am beta testing software.
7. Did another upgrade on my purse – it now has a stiff inner panel with several pockets for holding stuff: My cell phone, business card case, pens & my coupon book along with a small notepad. It has a much better structure to it now. Just a key hook of some sort, and a small makeup case, and I’ll be done with this batch of projects.

Yesterday I had a nice play date at the beach with L_____ a new friend I met through M_______. We get along really well, she has 3 boys also, just have a few major differing opinions on religious matters, but nothing so major it keeps us from enjoying each other’s company. I even got the kids into the tub afterwards without a big ordeal. I did a lot of shopping with my pay from the first batch of beta testing – I bought a hard drive upgrade – more than tripling my storage capacity!, a new version of Apple Keynote – which I intend to use for digital scrapbooking, but it appears no one else has really been using it this way, despite a large upsurge in digital scrapbooking (recent stories in Times and Forbes!) I also am sitting on purchasing a really nice set of scrapbook paper, because I can’t do it right now – need to chill out on spending! That said, the first thing I did when my Paypal draft arrived was call Trip and ask if he wanted to order take out! It was Vietnamese & Thai food, though, delicious as always and worth every penny. ($34.77!)

I can’t think of any other major events to report. I need to be a little more grateful for things in general, so I’ll say that today I was especially grateful for my darling boys. This morning I awoke to see Nathan smiling at me and patting me gently, curled up with me as he is every night. They really are sweeties. I’m going to get to sleep before the sun comes up. Enough is enough.

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