Partied Out

July 4, 2006 at 2:04 pm (Family, Personal)

It’s been a sociable holiday weekend – the Superman movie then a party at M___’s house last night, a barbecue at Aunt Doreen’s Sunday, the Ocean Grove Parade and Riley’s birthday party Saturday. I did wind up finishing mom’s cupcakes and also made a very nice gift for them for their anniversary. I forgot to take a picture, but will get one soon. It’s an accordion scrap album in a tin. Of course, the sky was lightening by the time I got to bed, but I was glad to be finished.

I found out today that in spite of MY scrupulous silence on the subject of our house guest B______ (in order to protect the privacy of his family) two of the biggest blabbermouths in the world know about it, and now I’m all concerned that I am the topic of discussion, and perhaps people are finding a way to make our family hospitality into a bad thing. As far as I’m concerned, of course, I’d rather NOT have an extended houseguest, and one more man to clean up behind in the bathroom, but B____ is really no hardship, and I think we are helping out him and his family by giving him a place to stay so close to his home and without the unbearable stress he was having at his parents’ house. I asked for my husband’s reassurance before we were committed to this that he would be chipping in something to us for staying here – but I haven’t seen or heard a thing more about it. I’m kind of pissed about that – it’s a minor thing, but I thought it was only fair and good business between friends that if you are asking something a little above and beyond the call of regular friendship, particularly since he said, “I’ll chip in a little something for staying there.” (or something similar). I also understand that we were not invited to a friend’s barbecue yesterday which might have been an oversight (although it has happened more than once). It’s possible that there has been some division along religious lines due to some social discussions that got a little heated – but I wasn’t part of them – and of course, now that I know that our houseguest situation has been made public knowledge, I wonder if that has something to do with it. I almost don’t want to know, but part of me thinks I should call up B___’s wife and just speak my piece.

Yesterday M____ had a barbecue that was bring your own beverage, bring your own food and I was just a little peeved about that – but not really – I was more hopeful of the event and the chance to socialize with grownups. I have to say I was even happy about Trip’s engagement in the party – I always find myself hoping that he will decide he’d like to socialize some more, but God forbid I should suggest this – I’m sure I’ll get some eye-rolling and an earful about how he hates people and parties. In any case, I somehow managed to drink the entire pitcher of Strawberry Margarita’s and even got baked with another friend, but did not make an ass of myself and had a fabulous time. My only complaint was that I had some bloating gas – and several times when I stood up I was mortified at my stomach, but completely unable to pull it in and rather uncomfortable from the pain of the gas. Not cool. So I am sure I looked extra fat. And I haven’t been jogging or doing my DVD. I always get thrown off when I take those days off when I get “the curse”. I wish I could go away to a fat camp or something.

Today I finished up some more beading on my iPod case – that might be the last of it – and added hooks to keep it shut. I also put in some time cleaning up my desk and then mowed the lawn. I realized that despite a major spurt of activity when I first discovered David Allen’s Getting Things Done, I never really implemented his program fully – and I never do a weekly review. I am finally getting around to it again – requested his book through interlibrary loan. (I finally put all my Book Wishlist into my Palm Pilot Splash Shopper program, so I can whip out my list at the library and check the items off as they come. I kind of want to scrapbook a little today. I still didn’t get paid so I feel like I can’t do any more scanning – I’m running out of Hard Drive space and can’t keep adding pictures. One other thing I took care of – I dated and photographed the last 2 years of the boys artwork, and I’m going to quick burn those to iDVD so I can clear them off my computer. That’s progress!

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