New iPod & Accessory Case!

June 25, 2006 at 8:51 pm (Personal, Sewing/Crafts)

What a productive week! Thursday I made my iPod case – somehow just planned it out and measured Wednesday, fussy cut the pieces Thursday (so the bandana patterns are symmetrical), and sewed them together by the evening. My hope was to make a cute case that could fit my super fabulous Kate Spade ipod case, AND hold the ear phones and AV cable, for when I take my ipod out for a video slide show. I was pleased to do that on Friday at Eden’s house before we left for her graduation ceremony – I played a nice photo slide show of all of my digital pictures of Eden – only about 50 for now, but it was really cool to be able to just plug that into their television. Anyway, I used some more of my Alexander Henry fabric – Sisters of the Wild Frontier, with the matching bandana prints. It’s so adorable. Next up – a small make up case, and possibly a divider panel inside my swing bag with a stronger liner and some pockets for my stuff!

Late Friday night after dinner cleanup, and putzing around on other stuff, I finally made the dough for two Frangipani Plum Tarts – my cousin Duane requested them for a dinner party he was having, and I made them as birthday gifts for him. I cooked them both Friday morning and they looked and smelled delicious. I delivered them to him in Shrewsbury. Then we went up to spend the day with my Grandma in Kearny – where she gave me a nice new box of old pictures and documents, and another box and a nice tin with my Great Great Grandfather’s buttons!!!

That afternoon we went to my little sister Eden’s house – her mom Linda just moved them in with her boyfriend Ronnie to his place in Nutley. There we visited and enjoyed Eden as she got ready for her Glen Ridge High School Graduation. She looked so nice – beautiful really. All the young women wore white dresses, the young men wore white tuxedo jackets. What a nice presentation it was! Though we were on time, there were no seats or programs for us, but I got on the case and rounded up 5 seats from the gym and brought them out to the perfect spot for us to see Eden and we cheered really loud for her.

Saturday it poured rain most of the day, and I was glad I could just sleep in instead of running out to the garden this week. Not much else to share. Today I went to the scrapbooking event at AC Moore, but didn’t win any prizes or really try to work on lots of free samples or anything. Just got a few cool things. I should be earning a nice chunk of Paypal money this week, and look forward to doing a tiny bit of shopping and paying off some bills!

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