Still Good

May 26, 2006 at 7:26 am (Uncategorized)

I was all excitedly going to title this entry Back on Track! because I have been so good – drinking water, exercising, doing cool projects (genealogy), major cleaning and taking care of the family. But then I got nervous that this was just a flash in the pan and couldn’t commit to saying I was truly Back on Track. However, just making myself sit down to take a minute to share in my blog is good. It makes me smile – imagining that I am not alone in the world (I mean truly I’m surrounded by family and several good friends) but that I can record my actions, and let out some feelings and fears or whatever it is and someone might be inspired, or amused or at least commiserate. Yesterday was one of those Non-Stop days. Kids to school, cleaned, folded & ironed one load of laundry, washed & folded (AND put away!) a second load, visited my inlaws, babysat my pumpkin head nephew (instantly add 2 hours of aggravation to the mix!), cleaned several areas of the house behind this kid, took the kids to the book fair, hosted a playdate for Elliot, took Alex to soccer, jogged the track while he practiced, went grocery shopping(!) made dinner & cleaned up, then went to help my buddy M____ for two hours 10-Midnight, who has her inlaws coming today and needed some help getting the house together. I’ve been helping her out a lot, and in exchange I have asked if she will come here and help me scrub, sand, prime and touch up my kitchen cabinets and table & chairs. It’s been on my list a long time and I know that it really gives the whole kitchen a face lift. It will go nicely with her though – we really work well together. One troubling thing lately – I’ve been having coughing fits related to my asthma. It’s really scary – I can’t catch my breath and I’m scrambling to get my inhaler – last night I managed to forget my inhaler when I went to M____’s house, and it happened twice. I had to try to force myself to breath slowly and kind of shallow to stop that scratchy tickly feeling. It’s kind of starting to happen right now, so I gotta go take care of myself. One update on that family tree for Aunt Leon – those stupid printers couldn’t print it (that’s not the big problem) but couldn’t bring themselves to ever call me about it, despite my enclosing my phone number with each request and specifically asking them to call with any questions or problems. So I wound up printing it myself, meticulously cutting the edges and taping all 36 pages together! But it looked really nice and it was mailed out on time. So that was cool.

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