Back in the Groove

May 23, 2006 at 6:33 am (Uncategorized)

It’s 6:16 am – and I have only had 5 hours of sleep. The good news is that before I went to bed I took care of loads of annoying stuff I needed to do – and even did my nails very nicely and got all the things I need for my presentation ready in a pile. I even had a nice bath, (had a good shave) and touched up my gray hair. Why I am up this early I don’t quite know, but it does mean that I can get to my exercising – and that’s what I’m doing as soon as I get up from here. I had a good day yesterday for the most part, although the kids were kind of hard for a while. I have to get them outside when they get crazy running around and yelling. I wrote several letters and sent them along with pictures to family and friends. I even remembered to get my Great Great Aunt Leon’s 100th birthday family tree scroll done and sent to the printer. It’s going to be 25 feet long! I decided to print it in black and white and it’s only going to cost about $10, which is fabulous!

Today I am making my Family History presentation for the 2nd grade classes, and I’m so excited about it. I’ve worked for the better part of 2 weeks making displays – a long family tree scroll, a US & Europe map showing our countries of origin, made up a genealogy terms crossword puzzle, printed out charts for the kids to fill in. The presentation to Alex’s class was very nice and it went pretty much as planned. I wound up making the Traditional Family Recipe: Nestle Tollhouse Chocolate Chip Cookies in the morning before school. (We have no recipes passed down from “The Motherlands,” but I did tell them that this is something I began doing as a child with my Grammie and still enjoy today.) I even made up a quick story board of pictures of our Black Swallowtail butterfly who hatched on Sunday and brought it along – and it turned out they were beginning a week learning about the life cycle of a caterpillar! Nice slam dunk!

When I get home, it’s lawn mowing time – and after that I ‘m not sure. I’ve been working towards these presentations so intensively I’ve let a lot of other things sit – plus I still have 2 baby gifts to make and some other sewing to do ASAP. Maybe it’s time to get back to the machine (recently repaired to the tune of $179!!! after a piece of a broken needle got down into the works and almost ruined it for good). Thank God I brought it in when I did. Oh well, I’m off to exercise. Later!

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