Monday’s Mess

May 8, 2006 at 10:31 am (Uncategorized)

I’m not going to complain about the weekend. It was actually quite nice, and we got a lot of things done. Trip has been very attentive, even though we never did actually have a big talk about our problem. It’s hard to fit time in for heavy discussion. However, we did clear out our shed, I planted my flower boxes and we even moved the furniture around in our bedroom. Today I started off badly. I wasn’t organized this morning, we flew out the door, and the boys both forgot their backpacks. I was very pissy but I decided to put on a happy face, forget about the morning and I went grocery shopping. Now I’m posting a quickie here just so I’m not neglecting all things, and then I’m going to run around and put my house back in order. Maybe I’ll go to M____’s house – she is still going through her miscarriage, and I’m trying to be a good friend and support, since her husband is being an asshole. (He’s away on an unavoidable business trip, but he could pick up the freaking phone!!!) She is through the worst of it now, but still could benefit from some attention and support. So I’d better get to work!

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