Mrs. Productivity

July 31, 2005 at 9:16 am (Uncategorized)

I am feeling so great about the amount of things I’ve accomplished in the last few days. I feel “Unstuck”. I can actually envision a time in the future where I freely work on the things I enjoy (while of course continuing to take care of some of my less enjoyable family responsibilities). I won’t have a pile of unfinished “someday” projects. (Back – just had to deal with a crisis.) My whole day is interrupted several times with arguments, cleanup of big spills, stopping to nurse Nathan. It’s amazing I get ANYTHING done. But I’m not complaining about that now – I know I can keep on track and reach my goals. Yesterday I cleared away a lot more from my desk – it’s almost down to a little pile of cute stationary for when I take a few minutes to write a note or letter. I listed 10 ebay items and have scheduled 3 more. I’m bringing a load to the Salvation Army today. I am about to open up my sewing cabinet so that my serger can remain set up. I NEVER use it and it is several years old. Mostly because I had my sewing room set up so that I would have to move a pile of crap off the top of it, and roll cabinets away from the area – and then just thinking about threading it made me queazy. Well – it’s actually not so bad to thread and I’ve got a big pile of mending. Once I get that done I think I’m going to be on cloud nine. I didn’t realize how much space it was taking up. And I’m itching to make some cute baby stuff.

I’ve been making progress on so many areas. The I’ve scanned 240 slides so far and I’m more than halfway done. I wrote lots of letters and emails – clearing out those piles. Re- arranged my sewing area, did a bunch of garden work, and if the humidity will permit it I’m going to re-seal my front porch mahogany deck. Drinking more water – I still need to exercise more – but I’m getting there.

I’m going to get back to my day, but I just had my Update Blog reminder come up and I just had to check in!

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