The Procrastinating Chef!

July 20, 2005 at 11:06 pm (Uncategorized)

I just finished (yes – at 10:52pm) making what I was going to make for dinner this evening. I wasn’t worried about making it in time for the boys to eat it, since they would never in a million years eat coleslaw or potato salad, but I was hoping to make it for myself and Trip. He got home just before 10pm and slapped together a boca burger – which I feel a little guilty about. Oh well- tomorrow! I tried both the cole slaw (which I found online and chose because it doesn’t have mayonnaise) and the potato salad (which my friend Jessica turned me on to from the Food Network on line and I LOVE, although it has a little mayonnaise), and they were quite good although they haven’t had time to chill and meld – a word I really don’t like for some reason, but it’s what has to happen. The cole slaw is supposed to be great with pulled pork barbecue, which I don’t eat, but I thought Trip might really like it if I got it for a treat, and I would make my fake chicken (seitan) with barbecue sauce instead. Anyway, the kitchen is kind of a huge mess and I’m in here avoiding it. I’ll do it before I head up to bed. Tomorrow I’m going to get up – make my fruit drink, make my gazpacho, do some sewing, and pop Motrins all day because I’ve got my Visit form Aunt Flo and it sucks. I’m not one of those women (and I don’t personally know any) who feel empowered or special or goddess knows what when they get their period. I’m annoyed, rather disgusted, and slightly depressed about it every time.

Today I worked for Frank and my mother-in-law came to watch the boys. She also was here for the repair man who came to fix my stupid 15 month old gas range, which had a leak in it. I stupidly but hopefully assumed that since we had pinpointed the spot where the leak was and that it didn’t look like much of a part, that it wouldn’t be that much money. Well it was 281.00. My mom-in-law paid for it! True, I forgot to leave my credit card, but I thought she would call me. She suggested I call and complain to the Customer Relations people at General Electric, because that’s a ridiculously expensive repair on something barely out of warranty. I never hesitate to call and complain about anything, because I get steamed about stuff, I hate not being able to do anything about it, and I have learned that only the annoying people who complain ever get stuff like free coupons and rebates. I’m glad I did, because they are refunding $100 from the price – but still! It reminded me that it’s time for my annual call to the phone company to see if they are willing to hook me up with any special deals because I’m such a good customer. I’ve been well taken care of because of my loyalty – I figure it’s the least they can do. Well, I’ve waited long enough – and I’m actually tired, so I’m going to go clean the kitchen like a good girl. Adios

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