Heat Wave

July 20, 2005 at 8:43 pm (Uncategorized)

Today is about the 4th day of 100 degree temperatures and soaring humidity. I feel like a bug under a microscope. I was just in the back yard with the boys dipping my feet in their kiddie pool, which isn’t as cool as it could be, since it’s sitting there simmering under the sun. Even an ice pop did nothing to cool me down.

Yesterday started out great. I managed to repair a little folding table for the boys. It had vinyl cover that tore (my mistake). I replaced it with a cool fabric print I have that looks like tiles of shell illustrations in shades of cobalt blue. I asked for some of that material for Christmas one year because I thought it was so pretty, but didn’t really know what to use it for till yesterday. I had some nice clear heavy vinyl to protect the cloth – and soon I’ll have matching napkins! Anyway, just finishing that task was invigorating – I don’t like the mending projects that wait for “someday”.

Then my buddy Michele came with her girls and we had a beach date. It was so nice to be out with a friend to chat and watch the kids together. I am cheered up just by spending some time with Michele. We also came back to hang out here at home where I started work on matching outfits for all of us. (Michele and her daughters and I will have matching dresses, and my boys have matching shirts.) Michele’s friend Andi passed along several yards of a periwinkle blue cotton print with yellow flowers. Michele gave it to me because it’s my favorite color combo. Then AC Moore had a sale on t-shirts and I thought it would be so cute to stitch gathered skirts to some t-shirts. It’s coming out very nice. Even though the power went out in the middle of sewing, it was fun just spending some creative time.

We had a brown out (I think) during which we lost power for about an hour and a half. My boozy (going by appearances) neighbor told me it would be out till 10pm and I was wondering if we should just head to the mall or simply order take out. Then the kids kept wanting snacks and drinks, but I was afraid to open the refrigerator, wondering how long before all my food in the fridge starts spoiling… At least it was over much sooner than expected.

Monday, I did a big re-organization of my storage areas, and I”m really happy with the results – luckily that showed up with some immediate project completions. Hopefully I can get moving on some more things. Getting off this computer would help. Later!

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