Hot and Bothered

July 8, 2005 at 12:55 am (Uncategorized)

I mean this not in a good way. It’s not that it’s so bad out, it’s just that I’m slowly escalating into a mini funk. I’m working for Frank in the morning, and hoping it’s a nice smooth day. I went to Michele’s house today and we had a very nice visit. It’s so good to have her home – I missed being able to call and chat with her, and we have a nice rapport, can get a lot done and our kids get along. Between my vacation and then Michele’s vacation, we were apart for 2 weeks, and I was getting desperate. She is my link to sanity on some days. Today started out sucky. I wanted to take all the kid’s toys and toss them in the trash – they fought over one after the other, being totally annoying. They carry on so badly I can’t take it! At least I kept the house clean and did a bit of stuff I wanted to do. I sorted through about 800 of Dad’s slides this weekend – first i watched them with Trip and he told me what he could about them – I marked the ones I wanted to scan but they were all out of order in a bunch of different carousels – all mixed up. Then I sorted them all by year and roll and number and put them into sleeves so now they fit in two 3 ring binders instead of 2 huge boxes. I’m going to see how it goes making this DVD for Dad – keep a nice log of my work so I can try to put a price on my work. I have to find a way to market this to people.

An update on my “diet” and fatness… I am totally fat, still overweight. Bathing suit shopping was hell!

Now it’s Thursday night – late. I should be sleeping, but I have a stomach ache, my neighbors are f*cking loud, and I’m very restless. Today I hung out close to home with the kids. I had planned a play date for 11:30 this morning, but about 9:30 I was eating some fake bacon and managed to chip a nice piece out of my front tooth. I called the dentist immediately and was lucky enough to get an 11:30 appointment. So much for early errands and then a playdate. I have to say my dentist is great and they fixed it up so nicely and very quickly. On top of that, my 3 sons sat like angels reading in the waiting room while I had the work done. Of course they had to ruin my good mood by fighting over who was looking out of whose windows on the way home, and Alex went into a bad mood tailspin that didn’t get cured till way into the play date. So the day was shot. Today I learned about the bombings in London through an email from distant cousins letting us know that their daughter who is visiting London was safe and sound. I watched the news for a little while, but found myself getting panicky and upset and at least had my wits about me enough to know to turn off the television.

Just took a gander at my trampy cousin’s website on Myspace. She is 19 years old and her page is full of references to how great she is at sex, how so many guys want her but how she will beat their asses if they try to get some, and I just saw about 6 nude pics of her. Lovely. I’m embarrassed to be related to her – honestly. My little sis also has one of these websites. It amazes me how much time she spends (and I assume her friends do the same) trading endless comments with friends and acquaintances and surfing the net from one trashy site to another. She is only 16, but has just headed off for what I believe is her 4th trip to Tucson in the past year. I didn’t get a chance to tell her or her mom how I feel about this – I think she’s making some bad choices here and acting like a spoiled brat. But maybe I’m just an old fart!

Speaking of farts – my two super annoying neighbors are sitting on the porch of one of them and making fart noises and laughing hysterically. I can’t enjoy a quiet summer night with the windows open without hearing those assholes till the wee hours. And I’m sick of being the one who always has to complain about crap. Why do I have to ask people to be considerate and be quiet after 10pm. Also, neither of them work, so it’s not like they plan on getting up in the morning to do anything productive. I guess I have nothing more to add tonight. I probably should get to bed myself, although I have to say, no matter how late I stay up, I always get up and proceed with gusto through the day of motherhood.

On a side note, I never did write about my upset yesterday. I don’t know what day it was actually, but I heard on the news that some one left a newborn baby girl in ta local train station and she died. It made me just sick. I kept thinking about how happy I would have been if I had happened to walk by and found a newborn baby if I knew I could keep her and give her a home. I will never understand how someone could be so heartless. And it makes me think some more about how little it would take to give one more child a home with us – certainly a loving home, even if it wouldn’t be the wealthiest. Ahh, not something to ponder now. I’m off to bed.

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