Mrs. Productivity

July 31, 2005 at 9:16 am (Uncategorized)

I am feeling so great about the amount of things I’ve accomplished in the last few days. I feel “Unstuck”. I can actually envision a time in the future where I freely work on the things I enjoy (while of course continuing to take care of some of my less enjoyable family responsibilities). I won’t have a pile of unfinished “someday” projects. (Back – just had to deal with a crisis.) My whole day is interrupted several times with arguments, cleanup of big spills, stopping to nurse Nathan. It’s amazing I get ANYTHING done. But I’m not complaining about that now – I know I can keep on track and reach my goals. Yesterday I cleared away a lot more from my desk – it’s almost down to a little pile of cute stationary for when I take a few minutes to write a note or letter. I listed 10 ebay items and have scheduled 3 more. I’m bringing a load to the Salvation Army today. I am about to open up my sewing cabinet so that my serger can remain set up. I NEVER use it and it is several years old. Mostly because I had my sewing room set up so that I would have to move a pile of crap off the top of it, and roll cabinets away from the area – and then just thinking about threading it made me queazy. Well – it’s actually not so bad to thread and I’ve got a big pile of mending. Once I get that done I think I’m going to be on cloud nine. I didn’t realize how much space it was taking up. And I’m itching to make some cute baby stuff.

I’ve been making progress on so many areas. The I’ve scanned 240 slides so far and I’m more than halfway done. I wrote lots of letters and emails – clearing out those piles. Re- arranged my sewing area, did a bunch of garden work, and if the humidity will permit it I’m going to re-seal my front porch mahogany deck. Drinking more water – I still need to exercise more – but I’m getting there.

I’m going to get back to my day, but I just had my Update Blog reminder come up and I just had to check in!

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Looking Good!

July 29, 2005 at 8:22 am (Uncategorized)

I am so happy with my new program for managing my days. I’ve been doing so well with it, and feeling productive. I’m sure it must be because I yearn for the thrill of checking off my list and seeing progress visually. Plus I get to give myself “credit” for the many thankless and repetitive tasks that eat of hours of my day. Yesterday I had a good morning and then went out to a birthday party for a friend’s son. We all met at the train station to take a short ride to a train-themed restaurant, where we had ice cream cake and then the kids had a caboose car that was part of the restaurant to run around in. Unfortunately, I thought lunch was going to be served, so we were all kind of hungry, and my friend didn’t plan very well, so we had over an hour to amuse the kids (13 – ages 2 – 6) in basically an empty room. It was trying, to say the least. Then last night I went to a Mary Kay party hosted by my “cousin in law” Rachel. Mommy sent me with a blank check and a list and said I could get something for myself too. Everything was on sale – I got a lipstick, a new foundation and a door prize of shower gels and lotions. I LOVE getting free anything! And I am really happy with my new stuff. Plus I got a little break from the kids to hang out with some ladies. Today I am planning to do a little gardening, then register Alex for school. I was bummed after checking in with the school I where I want to register Nathan. They are strict about their Must Be Potty Trained requirement, and I have major doubts about his being able to complete that by September. He’s only 2 1/2! I’m going to get on with the day. I have on top of my list to post some lace and some dolls on Ebay and I will be so happy if I can get that done.

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Life Balance

July 27, 2005 at 1:11 am (Uncategorized)

In the last two days I’ve been going through some major list making, and life organizing. This started off with me browsing some books on Amazon. Then I went to the business success & self improvement area and came across a David Allen book – called Ready for Anything: 52 Productivity Principles for Work & Life. I decided to think economically and borrow it from the library, then I read about his other book Get Things Done and then I went to his website, to see if any of the book information was available there. Sure enough, there was a lot of wonderful information and then he mentioned using Life Balance to help manage the ideas he presents. All of this was a huge thrill for me. He highly encourages list making, and I have been using Life Balance for years – although it is difficult to use with my Palm Pilot – given the lack of quality keyboard and the scratched text entry window that mis-reads all of my entries. So annoying. But Life Balance really is a super product – it allows you to keep track of the longest of long term goals, and then break all things down to tasks that can be prioritized based on balancing my life according to my wishes, the time of day, my location, and their place in a list of subtasks. Between David Allen’s plan for focusing and Flylady, and Life Balance I thought I could really be on to something. I actually bought the desktop version of Life Balance, which I’ve been wanting for several years after Trip said just get it. Honestly, I’m panicking about money right now, but I truly think this will help me better manage all aspects of life, and importantly the income earning side for me. so far I’ve made tremendous progress – keeping on top of my little paper piles, and managing several projects. Of course, there is a lot of “list management” at first – but I know that as I get my system in place, it’s going to smooth out. I even found a file someone created that I was able to import into Life Balance that breaks down the Flylady list of housekeeping tasks into a useable form for Life Balance. So nice! I’ll give a report tomorrow. That reminds me – I am going to schedule “update my Blog” in my program. Let’s just see how this works out, shall we?

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Silk Bonanza!

July 22, 2005 at 9:27 pm (Uncategorized)

I’ve mentioned Freecycle before. I belong to a local group, but also to a Crafts Freecycle group. If you want to find one in your area, I would search for it. Anyway, one of the Craft ladies sews with a lot of silk and has many leftovers she can’t use. I missed out last month, but this month I was the lucky recipient. A bag (about the size of a kitchen trash bag) full of silk duppionni in lots of colors. In descending order of quantity, I got ivory, white, periwinkle, lavender, sage green, black & red. So pretty! The pieces are mostly about 8 inches wide, but some are even bigger. Perfect for baby bonnets, booties, or quilting. I am so excited about it. I had also “inherited” some other friends bag of dated fabric – a little bit to sell on ebay (Lily Pulitzer fabric) but the rest I didn’t know what to do with. Today I found a nearby senior recreation center that is very excited to get it. I’m happy about that too. I’d be feeling spectacular except for an evil headache I have. I’m getting ready to do some more sewing, I think. Or maybe I’m just going to bed. I’m bumming about my headache.

Today was mighty hot – the sun in my backyard was brutal. I put our kiddie pool up on the deck with the big umbrella covering the whole thing -and the kids went in and out all day. I sorted all the silk, cleaned house, read a book, folded laundry, and scanned a bunch of slides today, so I felt productive. Now I think I’m done, and it’s only 9:30!

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The Procrastinating Chef!

July 20, 2005 at 11:06 pm (Uncategorized)

I just finished (yes – at 10:52pm) making what I was going to make for dinner this evening. I wasn’t worried about making it in time for the boys to eat it, since they would never in a million years eat coleslaw or potato salad, but I was hoping to make it for myself and Trip. He got home just before 10pm and slapped together a boca burger – which I feel a little guilty about. Oh well- tomorrow! I tried both the cole slaw (which I found online and chose because it doesn’t have mayonnaise) and the potato salad (which my friend Jessica turned me on to from the Food Network on line and I LOVE, although it has a little mayonnaise), and they were quite good although they haven’t had time to chill and meld – a word I really don’t like for some reason, but it’s what has to happen. The cole slaw is supposed to be great with pulled pork barbecue, which I don’t eat, but I thought Trip might really like it if I got it for a treat, and I would make my fake chicken (seitan) with barbecue sauce instead. Anyway, the kitchen is kind of a huge mess and I’m in here avoiding it. I’ll do it before I head up to bed. Tomorrow I’m going to get up – make my fruit drink, make my gazpacho, do some sewing, and pop Motrins all day because I’ve got my Visit form Aunt Flo and it sucks. I’m not one of those women (and I don’t personally know any) who feel empowered or special or goddess knows what when they get their period. I’m annoyed, rather disgusted, and slightly depressed about it every time.

Today I worked for Frank and my mother-in-law came to watch the boys. She also was here for the repair man who came to fix my stupid 15 month old gas range, which had a leak in it. I stupidly but hopefully assumed that since we had pinpointed the spot where the leak was and that it didn’t look like much of a part, that it wouldn’t be that much money. Well it was 281.00. My mom-in-law paid for it! True, I forgot to leave my credit card, but I thought she would call me. She suggested I call and complain to the Customer Relations people at General Electric, because that’s a ridiculously expensive repair on something barely out of warranty. I never hesitate to call and complain about anything, because I get steamed about stuff, I hate not being able to do anything about it, and I have learned that only the annoying people who complain ever get stuff like free coupons and rebates. I’m glad I did, because they are refunding $100 from the price – but still! It reminded me that it’s time for my annual call to the phone company to see if they are willing to hook me up with any special deals because I’m such a good customer. I’ve been well taken care of because of my loyalty – I figure it’s the least they can do. Well, I’ve waited long enough – and I’m actually tired, so I’m going to go clean the kitchen like a good girl. Adios

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Heat Wave

July 20, 2005 at 8:43 pm (Uncategorized)

Today is about the 4th day of 100 degree temperatures and soaring humidity. I feel like a bug under a microscope. I was just in the back yard with the boys dipping my feet in their kiddie pool, which isn’t as cool as it could be, since it’s sitting there simmering under the sun. Even an ice pop did nothing to cool me down.

Yesterday started out great. I managed to repair a little folding table for the boys. It had vinyl cover that tore (my mistake). I replaced it with a cool fabric print I have that looks like tiles of shell illustrations in shades of cobalt blue. I asked for some of that material for Christmas one year because I thought it was so pretty, but didn’t really know what to use it for till yesterday. I had some nice clear heavy vinyl to protect the cloth – and soon I’ll have matching napkins! Anyway, just finishing that task was invigorating – I don’t like the mending projects that wait for “someday”.

Then my buddy Michele came with her girls and we had a beach date. It was so nice to be out with a friend to chat and watch the kids together. I am cheered up just by spending some time with Michele. We also came back to hang out here at home where I started work on matching outfits for all of us. (Michele and her daughters and I will have matching dresses, and my boys have matching shirts.) Michele’s friend Andi passed along several yards of a periwinkle blue cotton print with yellow flowers. Michele gave it to me because it’s my favorite color combo. Then AC Moore had a sale on t-shirts and I thought it would be so cute to stitch gathered skirts to some t-shirts. It’s coming out very nice. Even though the power went out in the middle of sewing, it was fun just spending some creative time.

We had a brown out (I think) during which we lost power for about an hour and a half. My boozy (going by appearances) neighbor told me it would be out till 10pm and I was wondering if we should just head to the mall or simply order take out. Then the kids kept wanting snacks and drinks, but I was afraid to open the refrigerator, wondering how long before all my food in the fridge starts spoiling… At least it was over much sooner than expected.

Monday, I did a big re-organization of my storage areas, and I”m really happy with the results – luckily that showed up with some immediate project completions. Hopefully I can get moving on some more things. Getting off this computer would help. Later!

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can’t think of a good topic.

July 14, 2005 at 11:35 pm (Family, Personal)

I tried to go to bed, but realized it’s a stupid idea for now. I’m all wound up and have no good reason to be. I knew sleep would be a useless attempt. Surprisingly I just came down and decided to update the checking account and pay a bunch of bills, so at least I won’t have that hanging over my head. Today was a good day, mostly. I mowed the lawn (good ole push mower!) and trimmed the edges (by hand with the clippers – no plug in weed wacker!) and raked it all and pulled weeds and swept. Wheew! The kids even somewhat helped! Then I vacuumed upstairs and down and even did a load of wash. Shocking! I’ve kind of started stewing about the state of my sewing room. I’m not happy with the piles, but I really feel like I don’t have enough good storage for works in progress. (And I know the Flylady might straighten me out on this, but I think I need more space, not a major purge. I have purged plenty, but I need to be able to work and set a project aside easily. I’m considering taking over some of the space in the guest room – I love the room anyway. Maybe I can make more use of it. Right now, the boys just take it over once in a while with some dumb toy.

On the subject of the boys, they are driving me crazy with the constant arguing. Today, when they were “helping” me with my yard work I said they could pick up the raked piles of grass and put them in the composter. So they freakin started fighting over who got the piles. That is just one of a million things they fight over throughout the day – all completely stupid. I try to ignore them – let them work it out – but they just keep at it. If it isn’t one thing it’s another. But it’s all stupid random stuff. It makes me want to throw all of their toys out and make them live in poverty for a while to get this out of their systems. But I am afraid that even by typing that line I’ve jinxed myself.

I just found out from my Gwyn friend that the quilt I made them was raffled off and raised $275.00. And they have a list of people who want more. I think I better get to work! I must do this – right? I have so many talents and I need the money – this seems like a sure thing, at least for a while. I have to price the project and try it out. At least it’s a nice easy quilt. Not much else I can think of to write. I shouldn’t stay up too late. I actually went to bed at a decent hour last night and had a hard time waking up this morning. I even took a nap today!

One more thing – I’m a little peeved about a friend I have who insists on calling me up to ask if I can transfer her files to my computer and then email them to her. (Among other stupid little requests.) It’s not that any one of them takes a lot of time, it’s just that I feel put upon to always do these little tasks, and even hate just getting the phone call requesting it at this point. some time last week she had the BALLS to call and ask me to Google something for her. Then when I did and I’m reading it off to her she said, “Oh, I don’t have a pen, I’ll call you back in a few minutes.” What the FUCK! I’m not her personal secretary to annoy all day with phone calls and lame requests. And as part of her explanation today she said the librarian would be out tomorrow, so that’s why she needs me to do her little email thing. It’s not the librarian’s job to be her stupid secretary either. I guess I just have no patience for people who refuse to learn even the smallest technological task, but then insist on annoying the fuck out of everyone else by talking about how lame they are and then imposing on other people to do it for them over and over again. Whatever. By the way, her girlfriend next door has an internet connection but they can’t get it together enough to get her online. and on a side note, my mom was going to give her an old computer – which I actually encouraged her to do, since it’s now a glorified paper weight in my mom’s life – but my idiot stepfather can’t part with it because he actually thinks he needs it to use photoshop! Come off it! Give it up already! At least if they did that, my “friend” could attempt to use some newer technology and maybe get with the program. As it is she is using an ancient laptop. The only reason I can help her is that I kept an old USB floppy disk reader. I think maybe it’s time for my old reader to get broken…

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Updated my website!

July 10, 2005 at 10:49 am (Family, Personal)

I just spent several hours of the last two days doing a complete overhaul of my website. I re-posted the entire family tree – which I hadn’t done since April of 2003, so now lots of new information is up. I also included lots of new photos of the boys and many ancestors. It’s always a nice feeling knowing I’ve finally taken care of that project because it can seem overwhelming to attempt it. So now I can move on.

I have three more slide carousels to empty and file. Trip got me some more slide sleeves, and I hope to get that done today or tomorrow. I also have two loads of laundry to do – but today is a beautiful day and I think I might take the boys to the beach. Later!

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Hot and Bothered

July 8, 2005 at 12:55 am (Uncategorized)

I mean this not in a good way. It’s not that it’s so bad out, it’s just that I’m slowly escalating into a mini funk. I’m working for Frank in the morning, and hoping it’s a nice smooth day. I went to Michele’s house today and we had a very nice visit. It’s so good to have her home – I missed being able to call and chat with her, and we have a nice rapport, can get a lot done and our kids get along. Between my vacation and then Michele’s vacation, we were apart for 2 weeks, and I was getting desperate. She is my link to sanity on some days. Today started out sucky. I wanted to take all the kid’s toys and toss them in the trash – they fought over one after the other, being totally annoying. They carry on so badly I can’t take it! At least I kept the house clean and did a bit of stuff I wanted to do. I sorted through about 800 of Dad’s slides this weekend – first i watched them with Trip and he told me what he could about them – I marked the ones I wanted to scan but they were all out of order in a bunch of different carousels – all mixed up. Then I sorted them all by year and roll and number and put them into sleeves so now they fit in two 3 ring binders instead of 2 huge boxes. I’m going to see how it goes making this DVD for Dad – keep a nice log of my work so I can try to put a price on my work. I have to find a way to market this to people.

An update on my “diet” and fatness… I am totally fat, still overweight. Bathing suit shopping was hell!

Now it’s Thursday night – late. I should be sleeping, but I have a stomach ache, my neighbors are f*cking loud, and I’m very restless. Today I hung out close to home with the kids. I had planned a play date for 11:30 this morning, but about 9:30 I was eating some fake bacon and managed to chip a nice piece out of my front tooth. I called the dentist immediately and was lucky enough to get an 11:30 appointment. So much for early errands and then a playdate. I have to say my dentist is great and they fixed it up so nicely and very quickly. On top of that, my 3 sons sat like angels reading in the waiting room while I had the work done. Of course they had to ruin my good mood by fighting over who was looking out of whose windows on the way home, and Alex went into a bad mood tailspin that didn’t get cured till way into the play date. So the day was shot. Today I learned about the bombings in London through an email from distant cousins letting us know that their daughter who is visiting London was safe and sound. I watched the news for a little while, but found myself getting panicky and upset and at least had my wits about me enough to know to turn off the television.

Just took a gander at my trampy cousin’s website on Myspace. She is 19 years old and her page is full of references to how great she is at sex, how so many guys want her but how she will beat their asses if they try to get some, and I just saw about 6 nude pics of her. Lovely. I’m embarrassed to be related to her – honestly. My little sis also has one of these websites. It amazes me how much time she spends (and I assume her friends do the same) trading endless comments with friends and acquaintances and surfing the net from one trashy site to another. She is only 16, but has just headed off for what I believe is her 4th trip to Tucson in the past year. I didn’t get a chance to tell her or her mom how I feel about this – I think she’s making some bad choices here and acting like a spoiled brat. But maybe I’m just an old fart!

Speaking of farts – my two super annoying neighbors are sitting on the porch of one of them and making fart noises and laughing hysterically. I can’t enjoy a quiet summer night with the windows open without hearing those assholes till the wee hours. And I’m sick of being the one who always has to complain about crap. Why do I have to ask people to be considerate and be quiet after 10pm. Also, neither of them work, so it’s not like they plan on getting up in the morning to do anything productive. I guess I have nothing more to add tonight. I probably should get to bed myself, although I have to say, no matter how late I stay up, I always get up and proceed with gusto through the day of motherhood.

On a side note, I never did write about my upset yesterday. I don’t know what day it was actually, but I heard on the news that some one left a newborn baby girl in ta local train station and she died. It made me just sick. I kept thinking about how happy I would have been if I had happened to walk by and found a newborn baby if I knew I could keep her and give her a home. I will never understand how someone could be so heartless. And it makes me think some more about how little it would take to give one more child a home with us – certainly a loving home, even if it wouldn’t be the wealthiest. Ahh, not something to ponder now. I’m off to bed.

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