Making my Shrine

June 7, 2005 at 8:09 am (Uncategorized)

After assembling a few elements I have collected for my artwork, I started working on my baby altar yesterday (read more here). I haven’t ever gotten back to the counselor who first introduced this idea to me, but I am so pleased with the process, and I’m surprised I didn’t think to do it myself. I thought back last night on the many times I have created artworks that inspired and cheered me up and gave me an outlet for a powerful feeling. It is the same in this case. I have admitted to myself that I have a block against making the baby things for Kim & Valerie’s grandkid, even though they are partially started. It’s a shame and kind of strange how I am able to focus on my own project but not theirs. I am feeling kind of bad about another thing – I had a big pimple on my face (not even showing yet over the weekend) and I messed with it to the point that I have really done some damage to myself. I am so embarrassed – my only saving grace is that I can hide it by wearing my hair down. Still – it’s pathetic and ugly. It’s a totally compulsive behavior and I’m disgusted about the whole thing. I can’t even believe I wrote about it!

In other news, I’m still depressed. I haven’t exercised, who knows what I weigh. I’m going to try to think of something positive to write instead – this is going downhill.

I got the car fixed up yesterday. Only $32 for a job my dealership said was going to cost $569!! These guys dropped the boys & me off at the playground, fixed the car and picked us up. Of course, the park was hot as balls and there was barely any shade to be had, but the boys ran around and had a ball, and I actually organized some paperwork while I sat. Then I came home and balanced the checking account and paid a bunch of bills. Another recent accomplishment was that I finished my mom’s scrapbook and gave it to her when I saw her after Mother’s Day, but now I have scanned all of the pages I wanted. I am really happy with the way it came out. And mom LOVES it. I guess I’ll end on a high note. Later.

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