Nuthin much

June 2, 2005 at 2:38 pm (Uncategorized)

I haven’t been here a while. I can’t recall all that has gone on in my absence from posting. I have kept up with my wonderful cleaning progress, so I’m happy with the house. I made great progress on my garden in the back yard! I have flowers in a bed now, with some herbs and tomatoes, and Trip installed a hose manifold so now we have a soaker hose for my flowers, and another thing for the reel hose and two more extensions. I don’t want to jinx myself, but I’ve haven’t killed any of my plants! I’ve been pulling off the old blooms and watering and weeding! I’m ordinarily a “Black Thumb” which I inherited from my mom and Grammie. So that’s all good. The boys are all terrific, except that Nathan had 3 or more super tantrums yesterday. The kind where he flips out and cries inconsolably for a long time and no amount of calm discussion or appeasement attempts will console him. We had a little car maintenance done, and I got my DVD player fixed for free (after it was broken for over a year!) and I’m so happy about that! Just in the nick of time for our trip to Virginia. I was so excited and thinking about that long car rride, I decided to vaccum out the car – and when I took Elliot’s 3rd row seat out the freaking seat managed to slip so that one seat clamp was locked but not the other and I got stuck out there for about 40 minutes trying to release the seat so I could put it in properly. I can probably count one one hand the number of times I’ve gotten that pissed off. I was cursing and actually kicked the bumper! Finally I fixed it and now the car is gleaming. I’m just pricing the tune-up we’ll be needing before the trip because the dealer wants $569!!

I’m waiting for Elliot to come home so we can go out and get his hair cut. Then I’m hoping for a quiet evening at home. I’ll write tomorrow if not later tonight!

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