Sewing again

May 17, 2005 at 9:39 am (Uncategorized)

I know it’s not quite the baby project that I needed to finish, but yesterday I made a few quick things.

First – a recap – Saturday I was up early and ran Mom & Dad’s yard sale for them. They paid me $85 for my efforts, which was lovely. They got rid of a bunch of stuff, and I got some of their leftovers for my own yard sale next week. I used some of my earnings to buy material to re-cover my cushions on the front porch furniture and to cover the ottoman that I picked out of the trash. I really was ready – and to my delight, the material is on sale at the Rag Shop this week. So I started that yesterday – covered the ottoman and the big cushion – maybe more today – I need more material. I also made Elliot’s spider costume – just a few Spider legs sewn onto his black turtleneck. I attached them with Invisible Thread so that when he moves his arms, all of the arms move. I also did a quickie Humpty Dumpty costume out of felt for Nicholas. I’ll show pics from the play on Thursday.

I also did a nice clean sweep through the downstairs and everything looks lovely. Today I have to do errands that I neglected yesterday. I’m gearing up for that and even managed to clear off some of my desk in preparation! Mom’s scrapbook still not done, but I’ve been doing a page or two every day.

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