Anthrax! and Vaccine Danger!

March 26, 2005 at 2:51 pm (Uncategorized)

I just got this email from my Holistic Mom’s Network from MTV News about the heavy metal band Anthrax: “According to the Anthrax statement, the band has scheduled a press conference for April 1 at 2 p.m. at the headquarters of Sirius Satellite Radio in New York City, to formally announce their reunion, kick off the “Spreading the Anthrax Weekend” on Sirius’ Hard Attack channel and “make an important statement regarding the U.S. Government and the anthrax vaccine.” The release says the group wants to raise public awareness about the dangers of the vaccine, as well as the newly legislated Project BioShield Act, which explicitly allows the Food and Drug Administration to approve drugs and vaccines that have not been fully tested during times of declared emergency. (full article). I don’t vaccinate my kids because I don’t trust the medical establishment or the Federal government to act in the best interests of my family. And this new Patriot Act stuff is just sick! some of the stuff I learn about our country makes me want to just pack up and leave. But I’m glad that people are becoming more aware at least.

On the subject of becoming more aware… I consider myself a Liberal Progressive. Don’t run and hide at the mention of the word Liberal until you read what it really means – and Progressive – we all should be proud progressives! I am a member of Progressive Secretary, which is an email group I belong to that sends lots of letters for me to Congress and other officials:

On their website, you can choose the issues you want to be informed about, and the frequency of mailings you want to receive. They send you sample letters, ask you if you’d like the letter sent, and if you just click “please send” they personalize the letter so it goes to your representatives in Washington, with your name and address, just as though it came directly from you. (Even though your name and address show at the bottom of the letter, they never give your name out on lists or to other participants; they are very careful to protect your privacy.) It’s free and their “staff” are all volunteers. I am a volunteer for them, as well! You can suggest they do letters on issues you’re especially interested in. I am much more politically involved because I can and do easily follow-through by emailing my representatives on issues I care about. I feel that we have too much to complain about in regard to politics, but at least I’m complaining in the right place!

My mother-in-law just came over with Easter gifts. Further proof that we are spoiled. I got a bunch of stickers I had on my wish list – they are called Nostalgiques by Rebecca Sower. – photographic stickers of antique keys, typewriter keys, lace, buttons, and other ephemera for scrapbooking, and a beautiful teal Waterford glass bowl – which I have a feeling was re-gifted – but I love it. The boys have a whole new set of toys, Trip 2 DVD’s and a book! Perhaps Easter isn’t a gift giving holiday in your home – but we get presents for almost EVERY holiday! Nothing drives home the message of reducing consumption like a pile of packaging refuse left behind after a visit from Grandma! Granted, I have a wishlist, and I love getting presents, and my items actually don’t have a lot of packaging, and we will get presents no matter what, so it might as well be things we really want, but we don’t feel we NEED them, the kids certainly don’t and we don’t really have the space. We are really struggling with this stuff. But for now, I’m just going to enjoy the bounty. You will see pics later. I’m going to go finish my cold coffee now.

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