Long Time No Speak

March 25, 2005 at 3:07 pm (Uncategorized)

I’ve been completely wrapped up in my life, and no time that I wanted to sit and write. I just finished the last book of the Merlin Trilogy by Mary Stewart and it was the best! I couldn’t put it down. I’m trying to think now of what we have done since I last wrote. Ahhh, it’s been since last week! Saturday I went to my Garden Club in the morning and planted some seeds. Alex joined me and was thrilled to be put to work digging in the dirt. Then Saturday night, Anne Marie and I went to see The Vagina Monologues!! It wasn’t the one on Broadway, and I don’t even know if that is still running. (I just tried to Google it and couldn’t find it directly). It was put on by several women from our congregation at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Monmouth County. I was actually joking before hand, when we were wondering who was performing and I meanly said it would probably just be some ladies from our place, but they put on a terrific set of performances. We had anticipated a large group of girlfriends going together, but in the end it was just Anne Marie and I and we had a great time being out sans kids.

Sunday, we went to see Robots with the kids. I thought it was really beautifully made, even if the story wasn’t the greatest. It was one of those nice “Family Fun Days” where we just enjoyed the kids and a good time out. Monday I was at a loss – unable to get my self together, but managed to pull it off. Tuesday Trip was home on the first of his days off for the week. I have been working on mommy’s and my own scrapbook every day – picking beautiful papers, stickers, lining up her pictures, getting together a list of pictures that need reprinting. I’m so excited about these albums, and think I’m aiming to have mommy’s done for Mother’s Day. I made Easter cookies for Elliot’s school party and to bring with me to Aunt Marilyn’s dinner on Sunday. Alex was feeling badly about missing the school party, so we had a little get together here on Thursday with 2 girlfriends and their 2 girls each. (So I had to make cupcakes, too!)

Now it’s Friday, and we are just back from a family lunch to our favorite Japanese Lunch Buffet – recently bought by a new company and just as good, if not better. That’s different! It was Kiku and now is called Fune in Ocean Twp. Now I’m barely able to sit comfortably because I ate so much! Little Miss Weightloss! I’m starting the Strong Women’s Journal with Michele on Monday after Easter so we have no more guilty splurging to do. I guess that means I have to eat all the kids Easter Candy before Monday!

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