The cutest girly chandelier!

March 16, 2005 at 11:48 pm (Uncategorized)

I am all smiles today. I worked for Frank this morning, got a bunch of errands done this afternoon, FINALLY getting my adorable pink crystal chandelier for my sewing room from Target WITH my Paypal money. It is pale pink – actually very close to the color of my sewing room – has 3 candle sticks, and some floral looking metal work, and clear and pale green crystals draped around. Picture soon – I promise! Trip doesn’t like it, and I figured he wouldn’t, but I honestly saw it there in the store and I knew it was the one. (And I went back there 5 different times to get it before they got it in – then managed to get the wrong sized lightbulbs!!!!), WALKED the kids to the playground (good mommy), made a nice dinner, did some more errands this evening (got the right sized lightbulbs!), watched Survivor with Trippy (who got home at 9:00) and we zoomed through the ads – always a plus. Trippy’s playing Monster Hunter now with his buddies. He was lucky to find them all online and ready to help him with some extra hard quest. They are all so happy to see him, and friendly. Nice. So I have nothing to complain about. I paid the bills yesterday. The Trimspa is working for me. I don’t feel hungry, I feel like I have energy, and even if it is all a placebo effect, I’m doing what I should be – exercising, drinking lots of water, NOT snacking all day, and eating reasonable portions. Tomorrow my day is wide open. I am going to run over to pick up some Freecycle books in the morning, and then make cards (if I feel like it) for 2 parties we have this week. I might even ask my friend to watch the kids, as I took hers for her yesterday so we could trade back for me when I needed it. Then I hope to get to work on Kim’s baby gifts. It is now officially her due date. So I better get on it! The only bad part of today was this morning – I hurt my back doing nothing – I was putting lotion on my face. I was really scared because it was the terrible pain like when I get stuck and can’t move for a long time – but Trip helped me get to the bed and I laid down flat and it passed after just a few minutes. THANK GOD! So, that’s what’s new. I also bought some running sneakers. The last pair I bought was on my honeymoon! Then in 1998 my mom gave me a pair that didn’t fit her properly and I “upgraded”. But they never really fit me right either, and they made a breathing noise when I wore them. Obviously I’m feeling like I’m bound to exercise when I have nice new sneakers that fit. These sneakers feel really nice. So we’ll see how it goes.

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