
March 12, 2005 at 4:43 pm (Uncategorized)

I have been a busy girl, and I’m so pleased with my progress.

I had the house all spiffed up for mom’s visit – we had a great time.

I purged Nathan’s drawers of all of his too small clothes (which are bagged up for me to sell on ebay next fall)

We went to the mall and I found a really cute blouse and mom treated me to some lovely candles.

Mom watched the kids and I cleaned out the attic! Lots of stuff to toss, several items to sell on ebay and at the flea market, and it’s looking great up there.

Then mom baby sat, treated us to a bottle of wine and Trip and I went out for a great dinner at Captain Jack’s! (where we used our gift certificate from cousin John.)

Then I worked with my mom and really finished the bulk of her DVD and movie slide show design. We took out some pics she didn’t want, put titles on the ones she wanted titled. I have to go through and do any pans or zooms and then pick the music. It’s 80% done. The only problem there is that we stayed up tilll 2 this morning do it, and I was kind of beat today. But I was up early and went o the meeting for the Magical Garden in Belmar – where they have an organic community garden you can join for $10. The best $ I’ve spent in a long time. It was great working in the warmth of the greenhouse, the people were all very nice. I cleared out some planting trays and planted lots of seeds. They said there is going to be more than we need at harvest time, and I’m really looking forward to lots of fresh produce this summer.

Trip finally put up his pictures in his new and improved office, but I want to wait to take pictures after I do his curtains – new black ones that I am going to line with the old black ones (our old green ones that I dyed black) So they will be extra dark. So, all in all, I’m feeling great. maybe it’s a good time to do some sewing. I’m not in the mood to list ebay stuff. Maybe I can do that tomorrow. Later!

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