Treading Water

March 10, 2005 at 3:06 pm (Uncategorized)

That’s how I’m feeling today. Last night I had high hopes that I could wake up, and purposefully attend to an organized list of things to do. I wanted to:

1. Touch up my hair color
2. Switch out Nathan’s outgrown clothes
3. Clear out my dresser (same thing)
4. Tidy the rest of the house in preparation for my mom’s visit.
5. As a reward, do my nails.

I have managed to tidy the rest of the house – which is frustratingly never really a done deal – Nathan keeps taking out books and throwing them around the floor. I’m soooo sick of picking them up – but I like them having books at the ready. There was a pretty big mess in the kitchen, so I am happy with this. Folded a load of laundry and cleaned the bathrooms.

Some other accomplishments: I returned a nice wreath to the Rag Shop – I thought it was so pretty and springy for the front door, but it was too thick and kept the door from closing easily.

I checked out Target to see if they had in the adorable little chandelier that I want for my sewing room. (right now I have an ugly bare bulb). Still not in stock – maybe tomorrow.

I finally had my freecycler come pick up his huge box of stuff.

But now I’m feeling like I’m in some kind of weird limbo. I’m waiting for Elliot to come home and then going straight the sink to take care of my hair. Then Nathan’s room, then mine. Maybe after that I can put in a few minutes in the attic – (big mess up there). I learned that there is going to be a big flea market at the end of April and I want to unload all of my unwanted stuff there. It’s helping to encourage me to do some extra purging and get rid of excess junk.

Also on that note, I think I’m going to try some Trimspa to help me lose weight. I generally do well with my diet and exercise when I’m at a certain level of fitness, and I am so far away from that right now that it’s too daunting for me to manage on my own. they have some at Costco, and will have a coupon for it next week, so I think – now’s my chance. I really just wanted to check in. Now that I’ve publicly announced my goals for the day, AND the fact that I’m going to use a dietary supplement, I think I can proceed with both. I’ll update tonight.

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