Photo Archiving again

March 8, 2005 at 1:16 am (Uncategorized)

I mentioned that I scanned 45 pictures yesterday, but that wasn’t really correct. I scanned 45 full scanner beds full of photos. Today I cropped each picture out separately and named them with a date and subject. There were 120 individual photos – and now they are back in neat piles in chronological order and also all in my computer. Now they are all imported to iphoto, and keywords have been attached. They still need to be dated in iphoto, but I can try some of that tomorrow. For now I know that when my mom arrives on Friday, I can give her back her original photos. I did nothing else of substance today – I read my Merlin book quite a bit because Nathan needed a lot of holding and nursing and I like to read when he’s nursing. He has another fever, and his bad cough is back. I have to think this is teething related, or else I would be freaking out that he has gotten sick AGAIN! I’m trying to be calm about this, but it’s been too much this winter with him. I gave him a nice bath and we gave him a nebulizer treatment, but it is still hard to see that he was so uncomfortable this afternoon, hot and it seemed in some pain.

I also tidied up around the house quite a bit. I have to be on the ball tomorrow. We have to get elliot to the dentist for some cavities that need filling first thing in the morning, and then off to school. I will probably work on some ebay stuff during the day, so that I can get more of my pile out of my sewing room before Mommy comes. Not much else to report. I heard back from the guy in Tucson that he will look through his videos and make copies of any he has with my dad on them. I’m very hopeful because he seems to be rather organized and business-like. Good night! (only 1:16 am! Good for me!)

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