
March 5, 2005 at 2:56 am (Uncategorized)

Today was a pretty good day, even if I still have no voice. I know that my DVD and CD’s that I mailed out have arrived at some of their destinations and I got happy notes from the recipients. I took Alex & Nathan out to Borders Bookstore and got everyone a new book (and a new CD for the boys) and didn’t buy any for me. On the way home, we came across the horrible scene at the Petco on Route 35, where a gas line exploded and collapsed the store. I was so worried for those people and it had me thinking about how random those things can be sometimes. Apparently no one was hurt. So that’s a relief, though I worried about it for quite a while today.

I wound up napping for a little while today, but I really needed it. Made a nice dinner, and then tackled some of my mom’s photo pile. It has been on one of my lists that I would make her a nice scrapbook of her photos. I was stuck for a long time, unable to proceed because I was afraid. Finally, last time I saw her I asked her input and now I feel that I can do it. She doesn’t care if I include every picture, and she won’t mind my using her originals. Those were the biggest obstacles in my mind. I have gone through all the genealogy files and made sure to get all of the pictures and any cool scrapbook worthy vital records documents. Then I went through mom’s picture box and put all of her pictures in chronological order. I found a small batch that were never scanned so I will do that tomorrow. I have put the genealogy files back in order, and also put all of the original clippings in acid free protective plastic sleeves. And so I think I can do this. I might do a huge batch of scanning tomorrow (I also have all of my mom’s photos from 82-current that she wants included in her DVD.) It would be good to get that taken care of. Here are a few things on my Must Do Soon List, and I want to have several completed by the end of business tomorrow (which could be 3 in the morning, as it is right now – because I am a nut!)

1. Do another big ebay batch – all this stuff is photographed, boxed and weighed, but some need descriptions written. I think I should do it first – because the sooner I do it, the sooner I get some $ in. (and get that crap out of my sewing room.)
2.) Cut out and insert the DVD covers in their sleeves for my remaining copies of Grandma’s DVD so they can get out of my desk area and be ready for mailing
3.) Scan Mom’s recent pics along with the old batch I just located so I can give the former back to mom and have the latter ready for her album – no rush on the album, but I can’t leave those piled around or they get messed up.
4.) Make Baby gift for Kim (got that stuff out and nearly ready to cut). He’s not due till middle of March, and I don’t think it has to be there immediately, but also should be a quick project.

While I was going through the stuff tonight, I found an old World War II Ration book with my grammies 1st husband’s name and age on it. So I tried again to locate a record for him online, and I think I have found him. Not that anyone cares. It’s just a thing with me.

So, that’s the latest. I am pleased with this bit of work today and feel like I’m organized for my tasks tomorrow. I’ll report tomorrow night!

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