
March 2, 2005 at 12:18 am (Uncategorized)

Today was a weird day for me. Elliot had a delayed opening of school because of the snow. That’s cool with me – just as long as they don’t give him snow days that force them to have to make them up in June. I called Michele and she brought the girls over and we had a nice playdate. But, I’m having some pains in my rib area, because of my chronic shortness of breath. I started with these pains last night and today as the day went on, I found myself completely unable to get a deep breath, and in fact realized that I was barely getting a good breath in at all, which was why my muscles hurt. I’ve been struggling to breathe so much that I’m straining myself. Of course it happens so gradually and I’m so used to it. My mom wanted me to call the Dr. but I can’t even begin to deal with that. I took my inhaler a few times and took a nice nap and by some miracle got all of us to take a nap at the same time.

I’m supposed to work for Frank tomorrow and I’m glad for that. I promise I’ll put pictures of the house up soon. I’ve kind of been waiting for Trip to hang up his pictures in his office, so I can get it when it’s more done looking. I have been taking pictures all over the house in the last few days, though.

I got a nice CD recording of my Dad from 1986 from an old fan of his. I also have been following a lead on the old video of him performing from the late ’80’s. I was kind of peeved to get a call from my Dad’s old girlfriend, Eden’s mom. She said she had been reading my website page about him and wondered why I neglected to mention the 13 years she spent with him. I as completely put off by her sort of accusatory tone. I said, I also left out mention of my mom and the years she spent with him, too, because it’s not about that. I wrote about his music and his bands. Then she accused me of leaving out one of the bands she was in with him, and it’s freakin on there! And then she told me about another band she was in with him, and I said, any time you have something to add about his music, let me know. I don’t have the other band members listed, and I don’t have a lot of crap about his personal life on there. It’s just annoying when people get like that. I didn’t reminder that A.) My website specifically says if there are any additions or corrections to be made, just let me know. And B.) His page specifically says that if someone has any memories of him they’d like to share, please let me know. Frankly, at this point I don’t want to deal with it. But, I found out the name of the station the old show was on, the name of the show and the producer and I have an email in to him. I’ll keep you posted, my many readers! (not) I also left a message for my old college housemate, who has a cassette tape of my Dad playing all of my favorite songs at our house for my 20th birthday, I believe. I asked her to send me a copy about 5 years ago, but as with all requests of this nature, it has been ignored. That reminds me it’s time for me to call my old 1st cousin twice removed and ask her if she ever had a chance to locate the ancestral photos of the Johnson / Sayles family (which were entrusted to her by her mother and she said were in her garage – Perfect for old photos, by the way!) I would love her to just mail me the lot of them, since she obviously doesn’t give a shit about them. If I had the resources, I’d just drove down there and get them myself!

No other news.

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