Family Searching

March 2, 2005 at 10:21 pm (Uncategorized)

today I worked for Frank in the morning, which always makes me feel productive. I love earning money! After that, I mailed some packages that have been on my list of things – that makes me feel extra happy. I sent my Aunt Gwen & cousin Duane their copies of Grandma’s DVD. (And now I hope he’ll send his $ for it very soon…) I mailed my friend Alice and another old friend of Dad’s copies of his CD with 68 songs a piece on them. I think that is an especially nice collection to get as an old fan of my father’s because quality recordings of him are hard to come by.

Then I came home to a very annoying email message from that A$$hole international ebay bidder – I had a bad feeling about him already. He said there’s something wrong with his camera lens and said it will cost as much to fix it as he paid for it!!!! First of all, he said it just arrived today and that it this scratch shows up in pictures. (What did he run out to the one-hour photo?) Secondly, Dad said this lens was in MINT condition, and I happen to recall this lens as a pristine quality item. But of course, here I am and I don’t know where Dad expects his $10 to come from, but I don’t have it. Too bad I already had several reasons already why I totally regret this whole process – I certainly didn’t need another, but I’ll just add this in. NEVER again!

Next I checked my phone messages and had a strange message from a distant cousin whom I’ve never met. She was given my name & number by my mom’s Aunt Betty. She is my paternal grandfather’s 1st cousin once removed. She wanted to learn more about her family – but was very light on ANY information. I only know her mother’s name because Aunt Betty filled it in on my questionnaire. I asked for her mother’s birthdate and she started to cry. I felt so sad for her. Her mother died when she was only 2 years old, so I don’t believe this is recent grief over her mother, but clearly she is reaching out and in some distress. I of course spent several hours today trying to find information for her, and have nothing yet. I did call Aunt Betty and she gave me my grandfather’s brother’s number in Florida. I’ve never spoken to him and probably only met him when I was a kid at my grandfather’s funeral. But apparently he knew this girls’ mother, and I hope he can tell me some personal anecdotes about her. It was kind of funny, but also kind of pathetic, that Aunt Betty told me I should try to call him in the morning rather than 9:00 at night (when I have free minutes) because he hits the bar. Just like my Uncle P____. Love those Ryans!

I also had no voice for most of the day and felt super crappy this afternoon. I hate being sick. I guess I prefer this half-assed sick to the knocked down and dead sick, but still – enough with the damn sinuses, already!

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